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AttriX Announces its Lighthouse Control Center

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Mont St-Hilaire, Qc, October 5th, 2022 - AttriX Technologies is pleased to announce the launch of the Lighthouse Control Center designed to improve the real-time view of fleet operations and compliance. With the increasing digitization of the industry and its various applications that can easily generate an overload of information and notifications, it is more challenging than ever for managers to focus their attention on the truly critical elements of their fleets' ongoing operations.

To facilitate access to time-sensitive information to various departments within a fleet, AttriX's Lighthouse Control Center uses large size Samsung Smart Displays to broadcast various real time critical fleet statuses and events in real time, thereby accelerating decision making.

The position, routes and status of vehicles are displayed in real time on integrated mapping with additional overlays such as weather and precipitation data. Several other configurations are available depending on fleet’s vocation or viewers departement. For example, the Compliance Configuration displays current or impending HOS violations to allow quick resolution or to prevent wrongful load assignments. Displaying expired DVIR, major engine faults or defects, and low urea levels also helps to stay alert and avoid mechanical incidents. Other configurations include information specific to recharging operations, as well as low battery alerts for operating assets, while the Winter Operations configuration provides accurate tracking of spreading activities including progress, out-of-contract event alerts and excessive spreading activities.

The Lighthouse Control Center is powered by Samsung smart business displays known as an industry leader in commercial display solutions. The Control Center's display options add far superior ruggedness to conventional displays with up to 3 times the brightness and built for 24-hour continuous use without the risk of diode burn-in. The displays also meet iP5x standards, ensuring resistance to industrial environments. Sizes between 32" to 85" are available in addition to multiple display configurations to support extended insight visibility. All displays are plug and play and fully managed remotely by AttriX, the content and display schedules are adapted to each fleet and or departement, ensuring the highest level of data security and information availability without any customer intervention and without the use of cables or third party computers.

"Since my early beginnings in the industry, I have been consistently disappointed to see managers try to do "DIY" installations of screens connected to outdated, unsecured PCs that usually end up being an irritant to manage and simply kept turned off and unused.
Operators and managers are under more pressure than ever in terms of notifications from different sources. Our mission with the Control Center is to simplify and prioritize information so that it is visible simply by looking up to help prevent compliance or logistical mistakes that could have significant impacts on fleets and as such ensure we help our clients with an integrated ecosystem that goes Beyond ELD." Comments Anthony Mainville, President of AttriX Technologies and head of Lighthouse product development.

For more information about the Lighthouse Control Center, click on the following link https://go.attrix.ca/en/lighthouse or ask your assigned AttriX account manager.

Anthony Mainville
CEO of AttriX Technologies

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