Mont St-Hilaire, Qc, May 16th 2022- AttriX Technologies is proud to offers its clients and partners dedicated coaching in Energy management, subsidized by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources green transportation program, " Transportez Vert ". This new service from AttriX is the result of the skills and expertise of its Energy Transition Specialist Didier Tassel, who successfully completed the training program " Become an Energy Management Coach " provided by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.

A green and eco-responsible shift is the new major issue in the transportation industry and this new certification allows AttriX to better support commercial vehicle fleet during this important transition. Thanks to the Didier’s expertise, who is also a certified Electric Truck Bootcamp Expert by the North American Council for Freight Efficiency, AttriX can offer experienced and structured assistance for the optimization and energy transition of fleet and thus support the transportation industry in its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and operational fuel costs.
This certification now enables AttriX to offer dedicated coaching subsidized by the Transportez vert program and to optimize its benefits. As a coaching consultant, AttriX stands out by leveraging its innovative and exclusive Lighthouse solution, which builds business intelligence reports from telematics Big Data and selected third-party data. Among other things, this new solution simplifies analysis and decision making regarding the electrification of commercial, governmental and institutional heavy-duty fleets, and optimizes fuel consumption of combustion vehicles, where electric vehicles are not yet a suitable option. Lighthouse also identifies GHG reduction and profit opportunities that can be achieved by making these changes. The result is a clearer and more accurate representation of current fleet performance and a more accurate estimate of the benefits to be expected from each optimization action.
Our goal, once again, is to go beyond the product and telematics solutions AttriX offers. As we have previously done with our in-house compliance training and E-log experts, who have been able to assist both fleet managers and drivers, we are now ready to support you during the energy optimization and transition of your fleet.
Thanks to such achievements, our team can offer unrivalled tailored turnkey service and solutions that meet fleets’ current and future needs.
To learn more about the energy transition training and coaching offered by AttriX, you can contact Didier Tassel at 438-337-5057 or by email at For more information about the Transportez vert program, visit
If you have any questions visit our Helpdesk or schedule an appointment with one of our training experts:
Anthony Mainville
President, AttriX Technologies