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AttriX Continues Its Driver Safety Initiative With Its Integration to Block+Lock

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Block+Lock is the first smart cradle built to prevent the use of a driver cellular device while driving without requiring the installation of any intrusive application on the employees handset. Specifically, it is a connected mechanical locking system that prevents the driver from taking control of his handset during driving while allowing him to use the permitted features  like hand-free calling and GPS.

Now fully integrated to the AttriX Telematics platform, managers can supervise in real time, via MyGeotab, which employees are driving safely while their handset is secured throughout  their trip. In addition to the driver’s safety driving status, managers can receive alerts and generate reports pertaining to their fleets driving habits.

To promote safe driving in an engaging way, AttriX has gone a step further by fully integrating the Block+Lock in its popular Driver Challenge, enabling fleets to promote the use of safe driving in a positive and rewarding way, thus assuring a higher participation rate amongst its drivers.

NEKA solution worked with the Attrix team, already established in Transport Lavoie who transports , to integrate a solution that would allow Transport Lavoie managers to have the information and alarms related to the use of Cell phones when vehicles are moving.

“We were looking for a simple solution to eliminate texting and other uses of cellular device which might contribute to distracted driving for our employees. Block + Lock, integrated with the Attrix/Geotab system, will allow us to improve the safety performance of our  fleet, to the benefit of our employees, clients and the general public.” Says Martin Lavoie President of Transport Lavoie.

According to several public bodies involved in the field of road safety, more than one quarter of accidents can be linked to a distraction caused by the use of cellphones at the wheel. The laws are clear, a person cannot, while driving a street vehicle, use a hand-held device equipped with a telephone function.

Experience shows that Block + Lock technology quickly integrates into the drivers’ working habits. We have witnessed significant improvements in terms of changing corporate culture through the use of the Block + Lock System as management and safety tool. Martin Bissonnette, CEO Neka Solution.

The Block + Lock technology is easy to install and use and is designed to protect road professionals and others sharing the road which leads to safer fleet and better collaboration with insurance providers.

‘’Having access to in-depth telematics, we can easily see a trend where accident caused by distracted driving is not being addressed as it should despite the severities of new regulations and laws. Creating and enforcing a safe driving culture within a fleet, while adding technologies like the Neka Block+Lock, should be a priority for any fleet manager.

Even though safe driving is a serious topic, we feel integrating the Block+Lock into the Driver Challenge will promote its adoption in a fun and encouraging way which will benefit both drivers and the community.’’ Emphasizing Anthony Mainville, President of AttriX.

About AttriX

AttriX is an advanced telematics company that contributes every day to improving drivers’ habits across North America. Thanks to its popular Driver Challenge solution and its Canadian-compliant integrated fleet management solutions, AttriX is positioned at the top of the list to meet the complex needs of Canadian carriers.

About Neka

NEKA Solution is the designer and manufacturer of the Block + Lock system, the first intelligent mechanical locking system for tracking cell use for fleets. Designed and manufactured in Quebec, the Block + Lock improves the safety record of its customers by significantly reducing the distraction of the steering wheel.

About Transport Lavoie

Transport Lavoie carries out general transportation, as well as specialized transportation in Quebec, Ontario and the Maritimes. The diversity of the fleet of vehicles as well as the equipment allows a wide range of action. In addition, a comprehensive inventory management service to more than 300 service stations across eastern Canada. In the winter season, transport Lavoie also works in the field of snow removal for the Ministry of Transportation and for the City of Quebec.

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