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The decarbonized corridor: an essential project for industry

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Do you remember the last time a salesperson boasted about a car's fuel consumption 6 liters per 100 km for a car? Our reaction is often the same: “Maybe, but under ideal conditions only.” Manufacturers are making efforts to this promise, but achieving the claimed fuel consumption remains a challenge. In the field of transport electrification, the question of autonomy comes up again and again.We often hear that an electric vehicle doesn't cover enough kilometers to justify the investment. This “range anxiety” is one of the major obstacles to the the adoption of this technology. Followers of our blog now know that a multitude of factors influence a vehicle's energy consumption. Manufacturers can't control cannot control all these elements and do their best to provide a realistic estimate.

How to plan a successful Energy Transition?

The energy transition must be carefully planned so as not to disrupt the operations. This is where the Decarbonized Corridor project comes in, a key initiative  in which Nationex is involved, operating class 8 electric trucks on the Quebec/Montreal corridor. They also share the data needed for effective planning energy transition.

Why is it difficult to commit to a fixed consumption?

Many factors influence energy consumption, whether fuel or electricity. If we take the example of a bicycle, the distance covered varies according to the weight pulled climatic conditions, the cyclist's physical condition, etc. In the same way, the car the weight of loads, topography or temperatures to which the vehicle will be exposed. It is therefore impossible to give a perfectly accurate estimate of fuel consumption.

Nationex: a leader in energy transition

Nationex, a recognized transport and logistics company, stands out for its reliability and speed of delivery. With a solid network across Canada, Nationex is actively involved to the electrification of transportation, reflecting its vision of a sustainable and innovative future. By integrating electric vehicles into its fleet, the company is positioning itself as a leader, aligning its values with those of its customers in search of greener solutions.

The carbon-free corridor project

As part of this initiative, Nationex has teamed up with Propulsion Québec, Systra and AttriX to launch a pilot project for a 100% electric corridor between Quebec City and Montreal. This project will see 18 medium- and heavy-duty vehicles put into service, thereby avoiding the equivalent of the annual emissions of 350 cars, over a three-year period.

The roles of the various partners :

  • Systra is tasked with developing a predictive model based on the data collected during the project, in order to simulate the impact of a transition before investing massively;
  • Propulsion Québec is responsible for project coordination, communication and subsidy management grants;
  • AttriX focuses on the collection and sharing of vehicle operational data via a publicly accessible dashboard. This dashboard demystifies the performance of electric vehicles and provides valuable information for Companies wishing to commit to the energy transition.

Data available in the AttriX Dashboard

The following information will be available:

  • Total distance covered ;
  • Average daily distance ;
  • Energy cost per 100 km ;
  • Average amount of energy regenerated ;
  • Share of energy from terminals and regeneration;
  • Operating temperatures ;
  • Load weight ;
  • Energy cost as a function of temperature;
  • Estimated autonomy based on temperature data.

These data are essential for successful energy transition planning.


My career path has enabled me to work on many large-scale projects and to develop expertise. By joining AttriX, I have chosen to share this experience in a meaningful project. The energy transition is a necessary revolution and I want to play a full part in this transformation. This carbon-free embodies this commitment, as it promotes the sharing of information and experience key to any successful transition. We hope that this initiative, with Nationex, will inspire others to take the plunge and join the movement towards a more sustainable future.

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