
Consult our upcoming calendar and book your place

Lesson plan and grants

Law promoting the development and recognition of workforce skills

Our trainers will assist you in submitting a subsidy request to Emploi-Québec (CLE) wich can cover up to 85% of the trainers costs, including travel and the acquisition of equipment. This same subsidy can cover participants salaries up to 25.00$ per hour (subject to CLE approval)

Élaboration d'un plan de cours - Rencontre de 30 minutes

Deployment of the telemetry solution

The training team offers free basic training on a weekly basis. The sessions can be followed by all clients.

  • MyGeotab exploration
  • User creation
  • Rules creation

Deployment of the electronic logbook

Nos formations sont offertes en web (zoom), en présentiel et en ateliers de formation.
  • Driver trainer training (super user)
    • Training for all managers who interact with drivers. 
    • This training allows users to understand the Geotab Drive application in depth and support drivers.
    • The participant will subsequently be able to train their drivers.
  • Compliance management training
    • Training for all managers who must manage daily logs.
    • This training allows users to carry out the daily management of electronic logbooks.
    • Understand and correct violations, if any.
    • Management of unassigned movements.
  • Driver training 
    • Training for drivers on the Geotab Drive application.
    • This training allows drivers to use the application in a compliant manner.
    • Hours of service management and electronic inspections for drivers.

Free online training (Zoom)

Web group trainer - online  (Zoom)

Review of new Act respecting owners, operators and drivers of heavy vehicles policies


Training offered in webinar format. 275.00$ per participant.

Register by clicking here

  • New behavior zones
  • New weighting scale
  • New evaluation measures (events of the same nature)
  • Addition of non-conformities
  • Different weighting between PEVL and CVL
  • And more…

Registration is required per participant under penalty of explulsion. This training is non- refundable. Training can be rescheduled for a future date within 60 days of the original date.

To ensure active participation and certification, this training requires a web camera to attend the video conference.

Revision of the Hours of Service and rest regulations

Training offered in groups of 8 participants – 250.00$ per participant electronic documentation included.


Register by clicking here (different dates available)

  • Revision of the DCE mandate
  • Review of definitions and terms
  • Review of Canadian and American hours of service and rest
  • Review of proper use of electronic exemptions

Registration is required per participant under penalty of explulsion. This training is non- refundable. Training can be rescheduled for a future date within 60 days of the original date.

To ensure active participation and certification, this training requires a web camera to attend the video conference.

Creation of maintenance rules

Training offered in groups of 10 participants – 150.00$ per participant.


Register by clicking here (different dates available)

  • Creation of maintenance rules
  • Asset Configuration
  • Creating notifications
  • Reminder calendar
  • Adding an interview

Registration is required per participant under penalty of explulsion. This training is non- refundable. Training can be rescheduled for a future date within 60 days of the original date.

To ensure active participation and certification, this training requires a web camera to attend the video conference.

In person training

Contact us to plan your private training tailored to your business

Simplify your fleet management with AttriX


Talk with a specialist